About Us
A Loving Heart Youth Services has over 30 years of experience working with urban at-risk youth and adults in various capacities from housing, congregate care, childcare, early childhood education, youth ministry, athletics, health and wellness, leadership development, extended education, tutoring, mentoring, science, technology, engineering, and math. We believe that our clients have the right to a loving, caring, productive environment. This is the key to a successful life.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide health, housing, therapeutic and social service supports to the adult and youth clients we serve. Through love, education, inspiration and positive guidance and support, ALH will teach and model necessary skills to live in a community -based setting so youth can return home or move into independent living environment successfully and the adults can successfully transition back to their families and the community. A Loving Heart will provide a training ground to build strong leadership amongst youth and adults in the communities we serve.
Our Objective
Using a therapeutic/trauma-informed case-management approach we incorporate love, education, inspiration, and positive guidance and support. Our objective is help in developing stable housing, socio-emotional skills, recovery supports and life skills so that our clients are able to:
Begin to heal from the trauma they have experienced
Live in a community-based setting independent living environment successfully
Be prepared for the next phase in their lives (career, academically and socially)
Be reunited with birth parent(s). If they desire that.
To have a safe housing space that they can access other needed community-based services.
A Loving Heart Youth Services will provide a system of supports to empower our youth and adult clients a pathway to healing, recovery and restoration.

Our Programs
Our agency is divided up into two general program categories for serving our community.
1. Youth Services: We have our youth services division with is made up of our residential care, youth case management, mentoring and behavioral health.
2. Adult Services: Our adult services division is comprised of our residential sober living, adult case management and independent living for adults who have aged out of our residential care/group homes.