How social media is impacting mental health among teens
Welcome to A Loving Heart Youth & Recovery Services, Inc.
A Loving Heart Youth and Recovery Services, Inc. provides social and addiction support programming for youth and adults in Ohio and beyond. Our services include group home and congregate care for youth and adults, adult day care for clients with developmental disabilities and recovery housing for adults who struggle with addiction.
A Loving Heart Youth and Recovery Services, Inc. generally operates through referrals from the courts, children services, various inpatient drug treatment programs or other entities that have referred family or friends for additional support. A Loving Heart Youth and Recovery Services, Inc. provides safe housing, case management, linkages to other community recovery support programs, youth and adult mentoring, support groups, anger management, conflict resolution, mental and emotional development, career and employment support.
Our heart is in our events. Click below to view our current events we have several upcoming events such as activities, trainings, charitable events, social gatherings, community participation, national awarness and celebrations.
A Loving Heart Youth Services Board and Staff are now committed to being connected and responsive to the community. To that end, A Loving Heart will be proactive in interacting with the community in ways that will enable A Loving Heart to hear and respond to concerns or other pertinent information that impacts the community and A Loving Heart.
The board shall direct the Administrator to attend selected neighborhood-based community meetings on a semiannual basis. During these meetings the board and /or the Administrator will provide community members with the following information to ensure that two-way communication is enabled.
1.) Address and phone number of a Loving Heart Youth Services and its Administrator and Board President
2.) Email address of A Loving Heart Youth Services and its Administrator and Board President
A Loving Heart will provide a copy of the community engagement plan to any individual upon request and will post the community engagement protocols, including agency contact phone number and email address, on the agency’s website.
If the community has any specific concerns, they can send those concerns to:
A Loving Heart Youth Services, Inc.
3359 Stanford Place
Dayton, Ohio 45406
All correspondence or inquiries should be made at attention to:
Matthew Boykin, GH Director
Monik Harbut, Board President
Responses to community inquiries shall be made within 72 hours.
Community Engagement Plan
Volunteer Opportunities
We would love for you to volunteer.You must meet all the qualifications and requirements and listed criteria available on our job opportunities page.
Why Be a Mentor?
Make a Difference in Someone's Life
A Mentor is a person who makes a difference in the life of an adult with intellectual or developmental disabilities or a child in foster care by opening their heart and their home.